Thursday, November 26, 2009

...this one's for Jesus.

Happy 2010!

I am once again amazed by how God has our lives in his hands. Just when I figure out that I haven't been keeping my eyes on the road, I start to panic and I find that Jesus had everything under control, despite my negligence and carelessness. You'd think that once I had figured out that I wasn't in a ditch by then, I'd give credit to God. Well, that's not necessarily the case.

I look around to see if anyone was watching my mishap; like before, I escaped unnoticed. Coolly I press the sweat from my face as I chuckle to myself, "good thing I caught myself". Once again, I'm in control - oh boy, it feels good. Jesus is just calmly sitting on the bench seat in the back of the car - waiting. Of course I know he's there. "He wouldn't have done anything if I hadn't been driving," I thought to myself, "I've gotta be doing the right stuff in order for Jesus to do anything."

The story is just an example of how I live my life from time to time. I get going in a certain direction, and I forget who I'm living for. In fact, many people do the same. We're living life, staying out of the ditch. It doesn't matter if our driving looks like we had a great night of bar-hopping, we think we're getting along just fine. Daily Bible reading is done just to check it off the list, quiet times are interrupted by our mental "to-do" lists, and our focus becomes egocentric. Our life becomes void of Christ. We've seen it before - people are getting saved in church on Sundays while the pastor is having an affair. Worship leaders are bringing people into the presence of God while they're dealing with a drug addiction.

Let me bring this closer to home.
How about the way you treat people? When people come to you to pour out their hearts, are you listening to them, or do you cut him or her short just to give a solution that you obviously know the answer to (which in arrogance, you don't)? Do you humble yourself to others? Do you take responsibility for your struggles? Do you admit your faults? Do you give others grace when grace seems to be the last possible resort?

The way you treat others is a reflection of what is truly going on inside.
Yes, I am pointing a finger. Yes, this world is full of broken people. I am one of those people, and so are you. What will you do about it?

Take this chance to re-focus yourself. Who are you living for? If it's Jesus, he's got you; all we have to do is give him the time, and he'll do the rest. Be HONEST with Him, and HE WILL come through for you!

Jesus didn't censor His life, don't censor yours.

Monday, October 26, 2009

So simple, it's almost stupid.

So many times I've gone to church and the topic has been about being "Mary" and not "Martha"; About being the one chillin' with Jesus, and not the one working to prove herself to Jesus. The message seems way overdone.

"...She had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me." Jesus answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. One thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." (KJV- My emphasis and paraphrase) Luke 10: 38-42

Woah! This is amazing! This passage clearly explains what I had felt when I first arrived at YWAM (or at least for the first two months). "God! I'm sending out all these emails, and working so hard here at YWAM, and I'm still not getting the support I need, and I'm having a hard time feeling your presence! What's going wrong, God?" I had heard the story before, but did I really get it? I thought, "Yeah, I know, put God first, my ministry second. I've heard it all before, and I'm trying my hardest."

That's the problem though - We're trying too hard. Now, don't get me wrong, I can't stand it when I meet a fellow brother or sister in Christ and they tell me, "I'm waiting for God to tell me where to go next" when they've been stuck in the same rut for years. God's probably given them many chances to move, or suggestions to act, but they would rather God plop opportunity in their lap. There's a difference between obedience and religious obligation. Obedience is what needs to be done, and religious obligations are extra.

The Shack gives a good illustration. There is a point in the book where the main character, Mac, has to rescue his children from drowning after their boat got capsized. Mac explains that it is much easier for a lifeguard to save someone's life if they aren't struggling. Once we let God do the work, and stop struggling, stop burning the candle at both ends, stop working overtime, He can save us!

It's simple - God first, everything else second. I have no idea how many times I've learned this lesson. I've forgotten time and time again, and God has had to come and re-teach this elementary, yet foundational lesson.

YWAM Promo - Joe Mills from Joe Mills on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

“Wow, how awful the first time it felt impossible...” - John Reuben, 'Focus'

“You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, And called from its farthest regions, And said to you, 'You are my servant, I have chosen you and have not cast you away: Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.' ” - Isaiah 41:9-10

Yes, how awful it did feel impossible to do the work that God called me to do in Boston for the first month that I was here. Go figure, I had found myself once again drowning in feelings that I didn't know how to express or communicate, and thus secluded myself. “Share your heart with people”, I was told. How though? Usually I would start a relationship to either get something from that person, or help them until they needed my help no longer. Sharing my heart – doesn't that mean that I'll have to be vulnerable? Doesn't that mean that people can hurt me? Well, yes – but it also allows you to truly love people. Love has never been safe, logical, or easy. Take a look at the risk God took by planting the Tree of Life, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. There was a possibility that the relationship between him and his creation would be forever severed if the wrong decision was made. We know how history has played out from there. Flesh and bone laid hold of something that was not intended from them, and what came about was the great separation between God and Man. It was a risk, but God is redeeming us. He took responsibility for our actions, and offered an alternative – Jesus.

I just finished the book "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge. Fantastic book, by-the-way. God really showed me that I was built to feel, and to express my feelings. The book also talks about how men are built for adventure. So often I suppress adventure or violence, because that's how I was raised - not necessarily how I was built. If you get a chance, pick up the book. Even if you're a lady, check it out, it'll help you get a better view into the mind of men.

This past month I've been busy trying to get settled in here at the new base. I've helped remodel our kitchen – which involved moving a wall, and installing switches and lights. This next week, the guys will be moving into the girl's old house. We're working on starting Joshua Generation (JG - our summer high-school program) in Brazil this year, so we'll have JG in Pittsburgh, Boston, Peru, and now Brazil! We had an “unofficial open-house” today where we had about twenty Koreans from around the world have breakfast with us, and then pray. Oh man, the prayer was awesome! We have been hearing prophecies and visions about the Boston/New England area non-stop. It's so remarkable that God would call me from Colorado to Massachusetts to be a part of a huge revival yet to come! God is giving me a new passion for art, and I am working towards using my art to affect the artistic and academic community of Boston. Don't feel excluded, you're also involved in what's going on here in Boston. YWAM Boston would not have been able to get where we are now without your faithful prayers and support!

I'm still short on financial support. Very short. God has provided for me this last two months, in which I have been able to pay all of my fees, but I will eventually need monthly supporters. Our multimedia department is also trying to raise money to buy a better camera, which will cost about $1,500. I'm also hoping that we can get some donations so we can upgrade our Video editing systems, so we can spend more time making videos and less time waiting for the computer to render.

How can you help? Tell your friends about what I'm doing! Direct them to my facebook page, or give them my email!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Remodel: Soul

I had a chance to tag along with my parents to the Bible study they attend on Sundays. There were several things that I found very interesting. First off, we were studying the book of Ruth, and were focusing on the relationship between Ruth and Naomi, and the parallel they share with Israel and the church. I am horrible at taking notes... so I didn't. I will, however, do my best to share with you what I gleaned from the study. Here's the basic idea - Israel is God's pride and joy. Unfortunately, Israel is going through troubles due to not recognizing Christ as the Messiah. Now, the Bible talks about the church being grafted into the family. Picture this - Israel is a tree stump, and the church (vine) is grafted into the trunk. When the trunk is dying, the grafted limbs will die with it. Why do you think that church attendance is down to single-digit percentages? Well, the health of the church is directly related to the spiritual health of Israel, and until Israel realizes that Jesus was the Messiah... things won't change. Ruth then found her "kindred redeemer"- Boaz. [by this point, my mind started to overload] I won't be able to go into much more detail than that.
The Bible study leader, Dave, mentioned that there is going to be a massive revival (or similar event) happening within this next year - based off of prophecies in the Bible, and literary connections with characters and people (such as Ruth and Israel).
The next thing that Dave briefly touched on was the misinterpretation of Romans 13. You're probably familiar with this verse since you have used it against someone or someone has used it against you. If you're not familiar, the verse is sometimes translated as "submit to your government". This is a terrible misinterpretation. Paul, who wrote this book, was found escaping from authorities many times, which you would think wouldn't happen if he was "submitting to authority". In many translations it says "subjection to higher powers", and Dave commented that the original translation for one of the words (I can't remember what word it was, but it is often translated as "government") is "Deacon", not "government". Hitler used this verse to control the Christian population in Germany, and the people, by lack of knowledge, bowed to his will, and marched to their death. (here's a link that explains it in better detail -

So! Other than that...

This is my last week in Colorado! I could hardly sleep in this morning. I was wide awake at 6:30 a.m. (disgusting, I know). We have a new office in Boston! This is very exciting because my home will not be being used as the base office and kitchen - less mess, more space, more fun. I am still wayyyy behind in my monthly support, so that's going to be a challenge. (If you would like to get on my newsletter, or get involved in support, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page!) I'm currently working on making support letters/fliers to mail out and post at my local churches.

I ask that you keep my fellow DTS students in prayer. I have talked to a few of them, and they're being challenged with where to go next in their lives. Pray that God gives them wisdom to chose the path He has for them!

I'd love to hear from you!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

The home stretch

August 27th - I've got about a week left of being in Colorado.
Fundraising has been slow, but with some success. I still need more monthly supporters, but it's God whom I'm really banking on. What confuses me the most about financial supporters is that it's usually the families that have no money that make large financial contributions to ministries. I almost feel guilty when someone who is "under-privileged" in the world's eyes, makes a massive contribution. I want to bring that person with me when I do fundraising to tell all the "rich" or "comfortable" people, "This person has nothing, and they gave more than ten people who have at least two cars parked in their garage." This happened in the Bible! (check out Luke 21:1-4) What people don't understand is this - God blesses you for giving and being generous! What will being stingy accomplish? God is the one who determines whether or not you'll keep your riches!

I am thankful for the support that I have already received. There are a few supporters that have pledged monthly support, and without them, I would be in a little bit more distress. I am, however, quite disappointed that I haven't been able to recruit more supporters. This Sunday my church will be giving a quick overview of what I'll be doing and where I'll be going, and then they'll be sending me off. I hope that God impresses on the hearts of people to commit to supporting my ministry. I'm sure that he will, but I like having the support ahead of time!

I ask that you really contend with me for financial support, because without prayer, without God, I'm going nowhere.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Counting down the days...

Yesterday I quickly found out that drinking two cups of coffee on an empty stomach is definitely a BAD idea. First reason: It was my Mom's coffee nonetheless, and is rocket-fuel grade brew. Second reason: Once that coffee hits your stomach, it goes straight to your bloodstream... which flows straight to the head. Well, to make a long story short, I started to flip out about my life. I "flip out" in a different way though. I start talking to myself in a reassuring tone, and I get reclusive. Well, I've kinda been introverted (my definition of introversion might be someone else's extroversion), since I have no where to go and no vehicle to drive here in Pueblo. Anyway, I started asking myself calculated questions like, "What the freak are you doing being a missionary?" and "Maybe I should just freaking go to college". So, realizing that I was obviously going mental, I decided to call K-Fed (check out her blog - ). Thankfully, Auntie K-Fed (her real name is unknown) has awesome wisdom in calming people down and getting them in their right minds, so, needless to say, after talking to her I was "all set".

I realized that I didn't need to be afraid. I realized that God's grace goes beyond our stupidity and ignorance, so if we find ourselves making the wrong choices, yeah, it's going to hurt when you grind your face on the pavement, but God's faithful to clean up the mess and get you going in the right direction. I got reminded that God gave me peace about going back to YWAM Boston about a month before leaving my DTS (Discipleship Training School). It's all in faith, really. Even though I may not have all the monthly support that I need right off the bat, God is faithful, and He provided for me the first time, and there's no reason why he won't do it again. God has a calling on each and every one of our lives, and if we step out in faith, He won't abandon us; no matter how nuts it may seem to us at the time, God's usually got something crazier planned.

This is a short blog.
Fortunately, I'm finding out that I actually like blogging, so I'll probably find myself partaking in this activity on a more regular basis. I like writing; I really do... it's just that "formal writing" crap that I despise. It takes no creative talent to write like that...

two things I'd like to encourage you to do before I start to finish -
Pursue God and Think for yourself.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fundraising, oh boy!

Hello everyone!

I hope that everyone in the Northern Hemisphere is having a great summer! I'm currently enjoying the wonderful weather in Colorado! I've already had a chance to get out and do some camping with some friends, and hope to get a chance to do some more outdoors activities (Frisbee golf, shooting, Jet-skiing, etc.) !

“Why is Joe back in Colorado?”

Until September 5th, I will be in Colorado doing fundraising for when I return to YWAM to become a full time missionary! When I return to Boston I will be helping the YWAM staff get ready for the next DTS (Discipleship Training School) in 2010! After we get everything set up, I'll be working with graphic design, art, making videos, tech support, networking... you know, the easy stuff. Long story short – I'm gunna be busy. Busy as I may be, YWAM is a non-profit organization in which everyone has to raise support for staff fees, equipment, maintenance fees, plane tickets, shampoo, etc. (We all know that if I was in it for the money, I definitely wouldn't have picked “missionary” as an occupation)

“You're asking for money again?”

Well, yes. Some people are called to be Engineers, Car Dealers, Loss Prevention Officers, Surgeons, or even Janitors, but in these occupations, there is a fixed income. As a Missionary, there is not a fixed income, because our bread and water comes from the temple, or the body of Christ. Missionaries are similar to Pastors. Pastors earn their income from the tithe and offering that they collect on Sunday mornings. The Levite tribe of the Old Testament can be compared to our modern-day Pastors and Missionaries. Now, the Levites were the ones who were designated as the priests that offered sacrifices, and served in the temple of God. These people were special. So special that they could not inherit any part of the promised land! Sounds kinda jacked-up, huh? Let's take a look at this though – Numbers 18:20 says, “And the Lord said to Aaron, 'You priests will receive no inheritance of land or share of property among the people of Israel. I am your inheritance and your share.What?! God is our share? Wow! Let's read on... (verse 21) “As for the tribe of Levi, your relatives, I will pay them for their service in the Tabernacle with the tithes from the entire land of Israel.” As payment for serving the Lord, the Levites got payed through the tithes of the entire land of Israel. The Levites were well taken care of. Some people my not see missionary work as “real work”, but it is. Missionaries just receive a different inheritance than everyone else.

I already tithe to my church!”

That's great! I'm not telling you “stop giving to your local church so that I can live in a hut in Africa”. Instead, I want to challenge you to pray over each and every tithe and offering that you give and ask God where he would have you invest that money. (invest – you're investing in the Kingdom of God) I've had people say, “Joe I wanted to send you money for support, and I've prayed about supporting you, but the Holy Spirit told me not to.” That is perfectly fine! That person was being obedient. At the end of my DTS, I didn't need that support; God had everything payed for – up to the very last penny. Supporters are nice, but God truly provides!

What does your Budget look like?”

My budget is in process. YWAM staff fees are $400 a month. We had a short fundraising meeting before we left Boston, and we were told that we should budget for $1,500 a month. Now, this is not including the equipment that I'll need to do my graphic design and video editing. I also have to factor in taxes, insurance, savings, medical co-pays, etc. Once I have all the loose ends tied up, I will send out my budget and a wish-list. Now, my budget will be all of my bare-necessities; everything that I will need for surviving. My wish-list will include money for equipment, clothing, spending money, gifts, and toys. This list will be prioritized. This means you won't see me running around naked with a new laptop under arm.

Scripture for thought -

Acts 4:32-35 says:
" All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had. The apostles testified powerfully to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God’s great blessing was upon them all. There were no needy people among them, because those who owned land or houses would sell them and bring the money to the apostles to give to those in need."

If you would like to support me, or YWAM Boston as a whole, you can stick us on your prayer list, and if you feel lead to send financial support, make your checks out to -

YWAM Boston

23 Emerson st.

Newton, MA 02458

And if you want to bless me directly, I have a PayPal account which you can send money to by using my email address -

