Thursday, August 27, 2009

The home stretch

August 27th - I've got about a week left of being in Colorado.
Fundraising has been slow, but with some success. I still need more monthly supporters, but it's God whom I'm really banking on. What confuses me the most about financial supporters is that it's usually the families that have no money that make large financial contributions to ministries. I almost feel guilty when someone who is "under-privileged" in the world's eyes, makes a massive contribution. I want to bring that person with me when I do fundraising to tell all the "rich" or "comfortable" people, "This person has nothing, and they gave more than ten people who have at least two cars parked in their garage." This happened in the Bible! (check out Luke 21:1-4) What people don't understand is this - God blesses you for giving and being generous! What will being stingy accomplish? God is the one who determines whether or not you'll keep your riches!

I am thankful for the support that I have already received. There are a few supporters that have pledged monthly support, and without them, I would be in a little bit more distress. I am, however, quite disappointed that I haven't been able to recruit more supporters. This Sunday my church will be giving a quick overview of what I'll be doing and where I'll be going, and then they'll be sending me off. I hope that God impresses on the hearts of people to commit to supporting my ministry. I'm sure that he will, but I like having the support ahead of time!

I ask that you really contend with me for financial support, because without prayer, without God, I'm going nowhere.

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