Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Counting down the days...

Yesterday I quickly found out that drinking two cups of coffee on an empty stomach is definitely a BAD idea. First reason: It was my Mom's coffee nonetheless, and is rocket-fuel grade brew. Second reason: Once that coffee hits your stomach, it goes straight to your bloodstream... which flows straight to the head. Well, to make a long story short, I started to flip out about my life. I "flip out" in a different way though. I start talking to myself in a reassuring tone, and I get reclusive. Well, I've kinda been introverted (my definition of introversion might be someone else's extroversion), since I have no where to go and no vehicle to drive here in Pueblo. Anyway, I started asking myself calculated questions like, "What the freak are you doing being a missionary?" and "Maybe I should just freaking go to college". So, realizing that I was obviously going mental, I decided to call K-Fed (check out her blog - http://auntie-kfed.blogspot.com/ ). Thankfully, Auntie K-Fed (her real name is unknown) has awesome wisdom in calming people down and getting them in their right minds, so, needless to say, after talking to her I was "all set".

I realized that I didn't need to be afraid. I realized that God's grace goes beyond our stupidity and ignorance, so if we find ourselves making the wrong choices, yeah, it's going to hurt when you grind your face on the pavement, but God's faithful to clean up the mess and get you going in the right direction. I got reminded that God gave me peace about going back to YWAM Boston about a month before leaving my DTS (Discipleship Training School). It's all in faith, really. Even though I may not have all the monthly support that I need right off the bat, God is faithful, and He provided for me the first time, and there's no reason why he won't do it again. God has a calling on each and every one of our lives, and if we step out in faith, He won't abandon us; no matter how nuts it may seem to us at the time, God's usually got something crazier planned.

This is a short blog.
Fortunately, I'm finding out that I actually like blogging, so I'll probably find myself partaking in this activity on a more regular basis. I like writing; I really do... it's just that "formal writing" crap that I despise. It takes no creative talent to write like that...

two things I'd like to encourage you to do before I start to finish -
Pursue God and Think for yourself.


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