Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I take it back

Oh, there is so much inside the soul. There is equally infinitely more in the world that surrounds. The hard things in life are simple answers to complex situations. I can handle a calculated religious answer, but when it comes to being silent and letting the maker of everything that was ever created grasp the steering wheel of my life - I always over-complicate. My goodness, imagine the life that humanity could life if we would lay down our pride and accept Jesus for who he really is, and we emulated him? Imagine what salvation through Christ would do to the world if we believed every salvation-defining word in the Bible?
Oh yes, humanity is human. Flesh is sinful. There is grace and forgiveness in Christ. Is it really wrong for me to believe that we can do better than this? Is it wrong for me to (as many others before me have) despise going to "church"?



No, Really.

That wasn't a group of rhetorical church questions.

I don't have much grace or patience, but I still would much rather go with the flow than rock the boat. That's weird, because the thing that I hate the most is what I see in myself. Maybe humility through Christ is the only answer to these frustrations. Maybe if I just simply lived my life to humbly serve, then things would really change. What made me think that controlling people would make the world flip upside down, when control is only useful in generating greed, profits, and self-promotion? Look at people who have changed the mindsets of a nation - Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Jesus (obviously) - Did they rise to power and try to flip things upside down? No. They each went to the bottom. Think about this - Have you ever gone to a Caber toss? (Me neither, but bear with me.) Caber toss is a Scottish game where a bunch of buff dudes throw (basically) telephone poles, and see who can throw it the farthest. Now, imagine this - the first guy comes out and stands the pole on end, to only start climbing to the top. He's not going to get very far. The best that he's going to do is fall with the log. This is pride. We try to climb to the top to flip the world upside down. It doesn't work that way. The second contestant takes his spot and grabs the pole by the bottom, lifts the caber, starts a running approach, and launches the pole end-over-end down the field. The second contestant humbly followed the rules and changed the life of that log.

It's so easy to get involved in politics; I advise not to get involved. When someone tries to control from the top, he's just going to wreck the whole system. If change is going to come, it has to start at the bottom; not from the banks. Just let it fall. God's got the godly in his hands.

God's working on me to be humble, love, and serve. It's going to take a long time to get it right. Thank God that he loves us not for what we do, but for who we are.